Code of Conduct For StudentsDISCIPLINEThe Principal invites the co-operation of the students and their guardians in the creation and the maintenance of an atmosphere conducive to academic and cultural development, and in upholding the traditions of the institution. Students are especially invited to cooperate, in their own interest with their elected Class Representative to ensure enforcement of rules regarding discipline.
N. B.
[B] ACADEMIC INTEGRITYAcademic integrity refers to an essential quality that an institution must uphold to fulfill its academic objective and research mission, and hence its violation constitutes a serious offence. The principles of academic integrity form an integral part of the code of conduct to which all the students of the institution must adhere. Breach of this code puts into question both the reputation of the Institution and the value of the degree awarded to the students. Every pupil of the Institution should be responsible to ensure the highest quality of the academic integrity. The principles of academic integrity require that a student should: Violation of this policy includes but not limited to: (a) Plagiarism: Plagiarism is the unethical use of data, idea, materials, figures or codes as one’s own without properly acknowledging the original source. Example of Plagiarism includes: (i) Reproducing fully or partially, verbatim or paraphrased, texts/ sentences from a report, book, thesis, publication of others without proper citation. (ii) Reproducing one’s, previously published data, figure, material, graphs, drawings, photographs, diagrams, tables, spreadsheets, computer programme or those published by other persons ,without citing the original source into one’s class reports, presentations, manuscripts, research paper or thesis.(iii) Submitting a purchased or downloaded term paper or other material to satisfy a course requirement. (b) Cheating: Cheating includes but not limited to (i) copying during examinations and copying of homework assignments term papers, these or manuscript. (ii) Allowing or facilitating copying or making proxy in examination or writing assignment for someone else. (iii) Using unfair means or collaborating unethically during examination or in assignment. (iv) Fabricating or falsifying data and reporting them in thesis and publication. (v) Creating sources or citation that does not exist. (vi) Altering previously submitted work for new submission. (vii) Signing with another student’s name on exam paper, assignment, thesis, attendance sheet or manuscript. (c) Conflict of Interest: Clash of personal interest with professional activity can lead to potential clash of interest in diverse activities such as teaching, research, publication, working on committees, research, funding and consultancy. It is necessary to protect professional objectivity and transparency to avoid class of interest not only in financial matter but also in the professional activity related to academia. [C] ANTI-RAGGINGThe Institution implemented a strict and effective anti-ragging policy based on the UGC Regulation on Curbing the Menance of Ragging in Higher Educational Institution, 2009. This UGC Regulation was framed in accordance with the directions issued by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India to prevent and prohibit ragging in all Indian Educational Institutions and Colleges. Ragging constitutes one or more of the following acts: (a) Any conduct by any student or group of students –whether through spoken or written words on physical act-which has the effect of fearing or misbehaving any student, (b) Indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities or asking any student to do any act which such student will not in ordinary course do and thereby causes shame, annoyance, torment, hardship, embarrassment which inflict intense psychological harm or raise fear on apprehension in any student. (c) Any act by senior students that prevents, disrupts or disturbs the regular academic activity of any student. (d) Any act of financial extortion put on any student. (f) Any act of physical abuse including sexual abuse, stripping, forcing in lewd acts on gestures causing bodily harm to any student. (g) Any act of verbal or written abuse such as calling foul names, insulting publicly, offensive emails which embarrass, annoy and discomfort any student. Anti-ragging Committee: This committee shall examine all complain of anti-ragging and come out with recommendation based on the nature of the incident and proper investigation. Punitary measures against the act of ragging: A student or group of students found guilty by the anti-ragging committee will attract one or more of the following punitory action by the college authority: a) Suspension from attending classes and academic privileges. |
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