• +91 3322414120 | 9831691903 (6.00AM - 12.00PM, except holidays)
  • umeschandracollege@gmail.com
Umeschandra College


Affiliated to University of Calcutta


About the Umeschandra College Library

Umeschandra College was previously named as City College of Commerce. The then City College of Commerce had two units – Morning Unit and Evening Unit. The Commerce Section of the College was inaugurated in the year 1939. In 1941-42, Morning classes were started. The two units had one Library that was City College of Commerce Library. The Morning unit was separately affiliated to CU in 1961 as Umeschandra College. In the year 1964,  the Library was separated from the Evening unit.

The Umeschandra College Central Library is situated on the 1st Floor of the College. The College has an extended Campus in Salt Lake. A small Library was established there in 2011 as a branch Library of the Central Library. Manual Lending system was introduced in Campus Library in the same year. Besides the books Issue/Return system, all Library activities of the Campus Library are controlled by the Central Library of the UCC.

The Library has more than 30,000 books (according to Accession Register).  4 Newspapers, 7 Printed Journals and 7 Magazines are purchased by the Library on regular basis. Besides these, 5 career oriented Magazines and 1 Career oriented newspaper are purchased regularly for students so that they make prepare themselves for different competitive examinations.

Besides the syllabus books, the UCC Library is also enriched with the old books on Economics, Political Science, Law, bound volume old journals etc. The Library has good collection of Reference books, Carrier Guidance books. Every year some English and Bengali Literature books are purchased by the Library to extend the knowledge of the student on Indian Culture and Literature.

The Library is a member of UGC-NLIST Consortium.

An average of 30 students uses the Library regularly. Teachers and Non-Teaching staff members also use the Library on daily basis.

The whole Library is under the surveillance of CCTV.

The Computerization / Retro-Conversion work of books has been started from 14.01.2023